Saturday, December 31, 2016

of 2016.

Last year, I was in London counting down to 2016. Now, I am home waiting for 2017 to come. 

This is the very first time, I am actually a little sad that the year is going to end. It made me realize how unhappy I was a few years back , desperately wanting closure and refuse to accept what I deserve that made me unhappy. This is also the very first time where I feel that my wishes of having ' a great year ahead' do come true. As reluctant as I want this year to go on, time doesn't wait for anyone. 
But hey, I've earn a day since there is 366 days this year. 

There are too many things that I want to recall in 2016 but, I don't think a post could fit how I actually felt. I guess the habit of not reading as much as before is giving me difficulties of not being able to decipher all of them into words. 

About 2016 ;

1.  You are good enough if you are comfortable with yourself and do not let other people tell you the otherwise because I believe that no one knows you better than yourself. 

2. Art is my new interest, particularly paintings. 

3. I went to so many art museums, galleries and exhibitions.

4. I refuse to waste time on people who doesn't deserve my time and have no patience on people who never deserves my patience. 

5. I like being alone because I am not too fond of the idea of people invading my personal space. I don't like it when people get too close. Having boundaries makes things less complicated. 

6. I traveled to more 10 cities this year and realized that there isn't just a way of living. Different cities portrays different lifestyles. And, I realize the beauty in every one of them.

7. I don't want to hang out with people that makes me feel tired. 

8. Action speaks louder than words and words are empty, but words sometimes hurt too. Hence, always think twice before you talk. 

9. Being respectful is so important - The way you behave and treat people leaves room for judgement. No matter what you're going through, the bare minimum in respect is expected. 

10. If they are listening, there is no need for you to repeat yourself.

11. Be realistic , not materialistic. 

12. Focus on being better, not complain to feel better.

13. I refuse to stay in a place for too long because it is the only way to stay ahead of sadness. I move to move on , not to forget. 

14. Goodbyes are never easy but life goes on. 

15. My coffee addiction is getting out of hand. 

It wasn't a review of 2016. They are facts to myself. 

My thinking has changed over the year after meeting different people and seeing different place. I've found what I desire and what I dislike. I guess, I could say that I've found myself in my 20s. My family told me that little things will make you change and time will change your perspectives towards things. Now, I can finally understand what they meant.

I'm so thankful for my family, allowing me to see the world. Without them, I could not possibly living this life. Sometimes, I get so emotional knowing that I can never give them the life they are giving me. This year, I've learn a whole lot. And, it is probably the best year in my entire life so far. 

I'm welcoming 2017 with an open arms and I wish that it will be better than 2016 - carefree and happy. 
